Con­tracts are the most fre­quently occur­ring leg­al rela­tion­ships in day-to-day life. Con­tract draft­ing touches on a mul­ti­tude of leg­al fields, which is why the tasks in this field of activ­ity are extremely var­ied. We respond to the leg­al com­plex­ity of this sub­ject mat­ter with the com­bined know­ledge of an inter­dis­cip­lin­ary prac­tice group formed of law­yers, spe­cial­ist law­yers and notaries.

Our expert team is com­posed of qual­i­fied spe­cial­ists in labour law, con­struc­tion and archi­tec­tur­al law, inher­it­ance law, fam­ily law and com­mer­cial and com­pany law. Each team mem­ber has many years of exper­i­ence in the draft­ing and nego­ti­ation of all kinds of con­tracts and brings spe­cial expert­ise to the group. Through con­tinu­ous train­ing in the fields of law rel­ev­ant to con­tract design, our law­yers are always up-to-date on case law.

Even in the case of dif­fi­cult ques­tions, we are cap­able of draft­ing leg­ally bind­ing and most of all feas­ible con­tracts — or of review­ing and appro­pri­ately tail­or­ing exist­ing con­tracts for you. With pre­cise and clearly worded con­trac­tu­al terms, nego­ti­at­ing skills and a keen sense of the situ­ation, we help you to avoid con­flicts before they arise or suc­cess­fully fend off unjus­ti­fied claims.

The ‘Con­tract Draft­ing’ prac­tice group provides advice and rep­res­ents cli­ents from the private and pub­lic sec­tors. Busi­nesses espe­cially value our leg­al sup­port in the enforce­ment of their eco­nom­ic interests as well as in restruc­tur­ing and suc­ces­sion arrangements.


Key ser­vices of the prac­tice group

  • Loan agree­ments
  • Rent­al and lease agreements
  • Work con­tracts
  • Pur­chase agree­ments, sup­ply agree­ments and can­cel­la­tion policies
  • Declar­a­tions of divi­sion and developer contracts
  • Mar­riage con­tracts and divorce settlements
  • Dona­tion agree­ments and inher­it­ance contracts
  • Wills, powers of attor­ney, advance directives
  • Art­icles of asso­ci­ation, share pur­chase agree­ments and mer­gers of businesses
  • Com­mer­cial Register applic­a­tions and com­pany cer­ti­fic­ates of incor­por­a­tion, espe­cially for the found­ing of a lim­ited com­pany (GmbH), lim­ited part­ner­ship or regis­tra­tion as a sole trader
  • Gen­er­al meet­ings of pub­licly traded com­pan­ies, pro­cur­a­tion orders and man­aging dir­ect­or appointments
  • Gen­er­al terms and conditions



+49 751 8880–35

Part­ner, law­yer and not­ary a.D.

Labour law
Inher­it­ance law

+49 751 8880–29

Part­ner, law­yer and deputy notary

Fam­ily law


Dr. jur. Roland Dieterich

+49 751 8880–0

formerly worked as
Part­ner, law­yer and retired notary

+49 751 8880–34

Law­yer and deputy notary

Inher­it­ance law

+49 751 8880–26

Part­ner, law­yer and notary

+49 751 8880–31

Part­ner, Lawyer

Inher­it­ance law