People and mar­kets change. Nowadays faster than ever. Even case law is con­stantly in flux. With us, you are pre­pared for change. We under­stand the soci­et­al and eco­nom­ic rela­tion­ships of our time and find answers to the most chal­len­ging leg­al questions.

Wag­n­er, Dieterich, Maier-Ring is an inde­pend­ent part­ner­ship com­pany of freel­ance law­yers. With elev­en cur­rent pro­fes­sion­als and an effi­cient notary’s office, we belong to the lead­ing law firms in the area of Upper Swa­bia, Allgäu and Lake Constance.

We con­sider spe­cial­isa­tion as an essen­tial require­ment for the suc­cess­ful prac­tice of the leg­al pro­fes­sion. That is why we are a firm of spe­cial­ist law­yers. With in-depth know-how in over 40 fields of law, we offer a com­pre­hens­ive range of advis­ory ser­vices at the highest level of exper­i­ence. In four per­man­ent prac­tice groups and in teams put togeth­er on a case-by-case basis, we share our know­ledge in an inter­dis­cip­lin­ary man­ner — which leads to more mul­ti­fa­ceted delib­er­a­tions and bet­ter leg­al solu­tions for our clients.

Our cli­ents include busi­nesses and busi­ness own­ers, private indi­vidu­als, as well as dis­tricts, cit­ies and com­munit­ies. As a medi­um-sized law firm with over 60 years of tra­di­tion in Ravens­burg, we feel espe­cially con­nec­ted to the medi­um-sized busi­nesses in our region. With many years of exper­i­ence in the sup­port of busi­ness activ­it­ies, we are the ideal leg­al part­ner for com­pan­ies of all sizes in all sectors.

At Wag­n­er, Dieterich, Maier-Ring, we make the chal­lenges of our cli­ents our own. Chal­lenge us: togeth­er we will trans­form changes into opportunities.


Our name stands for expert­ise and com­mit­ment. We place the highest stand­ards on our work and thereby achieve the best pos­sible out­comes for our cli­ents. Our busi­ness mod­el tells you a lot about the people and per­son­al­it­ies behind our firm’s name. Get to know us! Our work is …

Com­mit­ted. Client-centred.

We are greatly com­mit­ted to the leg­al and eco­nom­ic interests of our cli­ents and identi­fy with our cli­ents’ goals. To achieve these, we provide qual­i­fied leg­al ser­vices pre­cisely tailored to the indi­vidu­al cir­cum­stances. Because the focus of our busi­ness is always you: our client.

Qual­i­fied. Specialised.

We con­sider reg­u­lar train­ing and spe­cial­isa­tion as a require­ment for the suc­cess­ful prac­tice of our pro­fes­sion. As a firm of spe­cial­ist law­yers, we pos­sess in-depth know-how on all rel­ev­ant fields of law. For inter­dis­cip­lin­ary ques­tions, we advise you in inter­dis­cip­lin­ary prac­tice groups – both in a com­pre­hens­ive and spe­cial­ised manner.

Goal-ori­ented. Courageous.

Our cli­ents trust us. They know that we assert­ively rep­res­ent their interests – in all instances. Our goal is to devel­op the best leg­al solu­tions on accept­able terms. We help to avoid con­flicts through skil­ful nego­ti­ation and for­ward-look­ing con­tract draft­ing. And in the event of a leg­al dis­pute, we lit­ig­ate with com­pet­ence and consistency.


Our firm was foun­ded in 1958 by Dr. Helmut Wag­n­er, who oper­ated as the sole law­yer for 13 years. The eponym­ous part­ners of the cur­rent law firm, Dr. Roland Dieterich and Dr. Andreas Maier-Ring, joined in 1971 and 1988, respect­ively. In 1982, Dr. Thilo Wag­n­er took over from his fath­er as part­ner. Since then, Wag­n­er, Dieterich, Maier-Ring has con­tin­ued to grow and has developed into one of the lead­ing law and notary’s offices in the great­er area of Ravens­burg. We cur­rently rep­res­ent the interests of our pre­dom­in­antly medi­um-sized cli­ents inside and out of Ger­many with a team of 11 law­yers and spe­cial­ist law­yers, among them eight partners.


Found­ing of the firm by the law­yer Dr. Helmut Wag­n­er († 1998).


The law­yer Dr. Roland Dieterich becomes the first part­ner in the law firm.


The second gen­er­a­tion is intro­duced to the firm with the arrival of the law­yer Dr. Thilo Wag­n­er, the son of the firm founder.


The law­yer Dr. Andreas Maier-Ring joins the firm as the third partner.


Relo­ca­tion of the law office to the his­tor­ic­al Dreikönig­shaus in the heart of Ravens­burg old city. The prop­erty con­struc­ted in 1430 was the seat of the Humpis-Wal­trams patri­cian fam­ily up until 1709, after which it served as the ‘Drei Könige’ tav­ern until 1957. In the 18th cen­tury, the office of Thurn-und-Tax­is Post was also housed in the building.


The law­yer Hans-Peter Wient­ges joins as a partner.


Dr. Roland Dieterich is appoin­ted as a not­ary and exer­cises the duties until 2013.


The law­yer Kat­rin Dieterich-Schuh­mach­er joins as a part­ner. With the daugh­ter of Dr. Roland Dieterich, the fam­ily of the first part­ner in the law firm is now rep­res­en­ted in the second generation.


Dr. Thilo Wag­n­er is appoin­ted as a notary.


The law­yer Tobi­as Huber join.


Cel­eb­ra­tion of the 50-year anniversary of the firm’s founding.


The law­yer Simone Schühle joins.


The law­yers Oliv­er Schneider and Tobi­as Huber join as partners.


The law­yer Dr. Markus Merkel joins as a partner.


The law­yer Tobi­as Huber is appoin­ted as a notary.


The law­yer Birgit Wag­n­er joins the firm. As the daugh­ter of Dr. Thilo Wag­n­er, she rep­res­ents the third gen­er­a­tion of the found­ing family.


The con­tinu­ing growth neces­sit­ates the expan­sion of the law offices. Wag­n­er, Dieterich, Maier-Ring now use the entire premises of the three-storey lis­ted build­ing at 12 Markt­straße with the excep­tion of the space on the ground floor.


The law­yer Laura Wen­deroth joins.


We cel­eb­rate our 60th com­pany anniversary!


The law­yer Mat­thi­as Danke­mey­er joins.


The law­yer Birgit Wag­n­er joins as a partner.


The law­yer Gab­ri­el May­er joins.


The law­yer Sarah Ket­ter­er joins.


2023 marks a sig­ni­fic­ant year in the his­tory of our law firm as we bid farewell to our name part­ners, Dr. Roland Dieterich and Dr. Andreas Maier-Ring, who have been instru­ment­al to our growth and suc­cess since join­ing in 1971 and 1988, respectively.