Our firm has been a reli­able part­ner for busi­nesses and busi­ness own­ers in dif­fer­ent sec­tors for six dec­ades. We under­stand the leg­al and eco­nom­ic chal­lenges of run­ning a busi­ness and act­ively sup­port our mostly medi­um-sized cli­ents in the real­isa­tion of busi­ness object­ives. The extens­ively qual­i­fied team of the ‘Medi­um-sized Busi­nesses’ prac­tice group offers advice on all areas of cor­por­ate law — from found­ing to succession.

The need for leg­al advice arises in busi­nesses not only in the case of drastic meas­ures like restruc­tur­ing or trans­ac­tions, but also in many tasks in day-to-day oper­a­tions. In this way, we sup­port our cli­ents in the devel­op­ment of new dis­tri­bu­tion chan­nels, in ques­tions of goods dis­tri­bu­tion, logist­ics and fran­chising, and in the con­text of research and devel­op­ment and even plant engin­eer­ing, among oth­er things. We offer advice to per­son­nel depart­ments in mat­ters related to employ­ment law and under­take the draft­ing or review­ing of all kinds of con­tracts. We sup­port cor­por­ate fin­an­cing meas­ures with pre­cise know­ledge of the cap­it­al mar­ket and its leg­al bases. With con­tinu­ous com­pli­ance advice, we ensure the leg­al con­form­ity of strategies, struc­tures or products and thereby sig­ni­fic­antly con­trib­ute to the pre­ven­tion of busi­ness risks.

Along­side spe­cial­ist law­yers in labour law, and com­mer­cial and com­pany law, this prac­tice group com­prises spe­cial­ists in trade­mark law, anti­trust law, cor­por­ate law and not­ari­al con­tract draft­ing. For com­pre­hens­ive advice on interests, our eco­nom­ic experts col­lect­ively ded­ic­ate them­selves to you and your busi­ness — pur­pose­fully and efficiently.

Our cli­ents include estab­lished com­pan­ies and fam­ily busi­nesses, as well as future entre­pren­eurs and young start-ups. We advise both indi­vidu­al com­pan­ies and pub­licly traded com­pan­ies through­out Ger­many, of which our par­tic­u­lar focus is region­al, medi­um-sized com­pan­ies and craft trades.

Key ser­vices of the prac­tice group

  • Advice on choice of leg­al struc­ture and com­pany incorporation
  • Draft­ing of art­icles of asso­ci­ation and bylaws
  • Assist­ance in gen­er­al and share­hold­er meetings
  • Appoint­ment, dis­missal and com­pens­a­tion of shareholders
  • Share­hold­er dis­putes, extraju­di­cial con­flict res­ol­u­tion, pro­cess management
  • Ser­vice con­tracts, labour con­tracts, employ­ment con­tracts and sev­er­ance agreements
  • Dis­tri­bu­tion and agency con­tracts and dis­trib­ut­or agreements
  • Research and devel­op­ment contracts
  • Advice on mar­ket­ing and dis­tri­bu­tion channels
  • Draft­ing and review­ing of gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions, con­di­tions of pur­chase and terms of delivery
  • Pro­tec­tion against bad debts, debt col­lec­tion, default action, and foreclosure
  • Strategies for prob­lems in the sup­ply chain, enforce­ment or defence of con­trac­tu­al pen­al­ties and claims for damages
  • Advice and rep­res­ent­a­tion in liab­il­ity situ­ations (product liability)
  • Sup­port in the imple­ment­a­tion and observ­ance of com­pli­ance guidelines
  • Assist­ance in pro­cesses of trans­form­a­tion (restruc­tur­ing and reor­gan­isa­tion through mer­gers, split­ting, changes in leg­al form or trans­fer of assets)
  • Advice on cap­it­al meas­ures and ini­tial pub­lic offer­ings, acquis­i­tion and divestit­ure of com­pany shares
  • Com­pany suc­ces­sion and hered­it­ary suc­ces­sion in com­pany shareholdings
  • Strategies in insolv­ency for debt­ors and creditors
  • Liquid­a­tion and dis­sol­u­tion of the company



+49 751 8880–35

Part­ner, law­yer and not­ary a.D.

Labour law
Inher­it­ance law

+49 751 8880–71

Part­ner, lawyer

Con­struc­tion and archi­tec­tur­al law
Admin­is­trat­ive law

+49 751 8880–71

formerly worked in

Bank­ing and cap­it­al mar­ket law
Con­struc­tion and archi­tec­tur­al law
Admin­is­trat­ive law

+49 751 8880–31

Part­ner, Lawyer

Inher­it­ance law

+49 751 8880–30

Part­ner, lawyer

Labour law
Com­mer­cial and com­pany law

+49 751 8880–31


Con­struc­tion and archi­tec­tur­al law