Mr. not­ary Tobi­as Huber is avail­able to assist you and your con­tract­ing part­ners as impar­tial advisors for not­ar­isa­tions and cer­ti­fic­a­tions of all kinds.

As the hold­er of a pub­lic office, the not­ary  is oblig­ated to observe abso­lute neut­ral­ity with respect to all con­tract­ing parties. The not­ary may not advise any con­tract­ing party to his or her advant­age or act as law­yer in the leg­al mat­ter con­cerned. The not­ary fees to be levied are reg­u­lated to be uni­form across Ger­many by the Ger­man Act on Court and Not­ary Fees, and no cost agree­ments that devi­ate from this are allowed.

+49 751 8880–26

Part­ner, law­yer and notary


Our not­ary is assisted by a highly qual­i­fied team that ensures the swift and smooth pro­cessing of the transactions.

The not­ary Tobi­as Huber is reg­u­larly rep­res­en­ted by the law­yer Ms. Dieterich, Deputy Civil Law Not­ary for Württem­berg Michaela Birli, Deputy Civil Law Not­ary for Württem­berg Andrea Oster­tag and law­er Ms. Schühle as his deputy notaries.

The deputy not­ar­ies sup­port the not­ary in his entire exe­cu­tion of duties.

+49 751 8880–34

Law­yer and deputy notary

Inher­it­ance law

+49 751 8880–26

Deputy Civil Law Not­ary for Württemberg

+49 751 8880–29

Part­ner, law­yer and deputy notary

Fam­ily law

+49 751 8880–45

Deputy Civil Law Not­ary for Württemberg

You need some not­ari­al forms? Just fol­low the but­ton and down­load the .pdf-files.


Our not­ary advise and sup­port you—as a busi­ness, busi­ness own­er or private individual—comprehensively in all leg­al trans­ac­tions requir­ing not­ar­isa­tion or cer­ti­fic­a­tion. At our firm, you will be looked after by a com­pet­ent team that will swiftly pro­cess your not­ari­al affairs and gladly assist you with any questions.

Our not­ari­al ser­vices include com­pre­hens­ive leg­al advice and sup­port of all con­tract­ing part­ners. In this way, we ensure that the inten­tions of all parties involved are appro­pri­ately accom­mod­ated in the con­trac­tu­al doc­u­ment. As a neut­ral inter­me­di­ary for the interests of the con­tract­ing parties, it is the job of the not­ary to pree­mpt dis­putes through suit­able draft­ing of con­tracts and clear word­ing. We con­sider the intent and pur­pose of our not­ari­al activ­ity to be the sat­is­fact­ory res­ol­u­tion of leg­al prob­lems and the cre­ation of draft con­tracts ready for sign­ing, even in com­plex cases.