Our close­ness with entre­pren­eur­ship and our cli­ents is also evid­ent from our loc­a­tion: you will find us at the heart of the Ravens­burg mar­ket devel­op­ment. We would be happy to wel­come you at our firm in the his­tor­ic­al Dreikönig­shaus. Please arrange an appoint­ment in advance at recep­tion or get in dir­ect con­tact with the sec­ret­ari­at of the rel­ev­ant law­yer. If you are unable to reach us by tele­phone, write us an email. We will call you back as soon as possible.

Recep­tion times

Mon to Fri: 8:00 – 12:30
Mon to Tue: 13:30 – 17:00
Fri: 13:30 – 16:00

Our Office

Wag­n­er • Dieterich • Maier-Ring
Markt­straße 12
D‑88212 Ravensburg

Con­tact us

Phone: +49 751 8880–0
Fax: +49 751 8880–33