A dis­pute dur­ing con­struc­tion gen­er­ally costs a lot of money and con­sid­er­ably delays the con­struc­tion pro­cess. Since the pre­par­a­tion of sur­veys and court pro­ceed­ings also takes quite a long time, arbit­ra­tion in con­struc­tion mat­ters presents a sens­ible solu­tion. On the basis of a con­cili­ation agree­ment, you can request the imple­ment­a­tion of arbit­ra­tion pro­ceed­ings from the parties involved in the dis­pute. The arbit­rat­or decides through an arbit­ra­tion that is bind­ing for the parties.

The soli­cit­or Dr. Maier-Ring is qual­i­fied to act as an arbit­rat­or due to his spe­cial­ist back­ground in con­struc­tion and archi­tec­tur­al law. He is a registered arbit­rat­or in accord­ance with the Arbit­ra­tion and Con­cili­ation Rules for Dis­putes in the Con­struc­tion Industry (SoBau).

Our firm of course also under­takes nego­ti­ations on your behalf as a uni­lat­er­al stake­hold­er in arbit­ra­tion proceedings.


+49 751 8880–71

Part­ner, lawyer

Con­struc­tion and archi­tec­tur­al law
Admin­is­trat­ive law
