We are your com­pet­ent point of con­tact for the draft­ing of con­tracts relat­ing to the trans­fer of prop­erty — be this by way of sale or due to endow­ment or hered­it­ary succession.

We take care of the neces­sary prop­erty encum­brances such as land charges, mort­gages, usu­fruct orders or hous­ing law orders. Even pub­lic access rights and rights of way, pipeline rights and all fur­ther safe­guards than can be entered into the land register of the prop­erty con­cerned are pre­pared by our firm and not­ar­ised or authen­tic­ated if neces­sary. In the case of dis­putes arising from rights to prop­erty, we are com­mit­ted to assert­ing your claims.

Our key ser­vices in land law

  • Real estate con­tracts of sale
  • Trans­fers of property
  • Ease­ments
  • Mort­gages
  • Power of sale


+49 751 8880–35

Part­ner, law­yer and not­ary a.D.

Labour law
Inher­it­ance law

+49 751 8880–34

Law­yer and deputy notary

Inher­it­ance law

+49 751 8880–26

Part­ner, law­yer and notary

+49 751 8880–29

Part­ner, law­yer and deputy notary

Fam­ily law