Sev­er­al employ­ees of our firm spe­cial­ise in the col­lec­tion of debts. They always look for the quick­est and most cost-effect­ive means of claim­ing your debts. After the suc­cess­ful obtain­ing of a title, we also under­take fore­clos­ure pro­ceed­ings for you, so that you not only pos­sess a piece of paper (the rul­ing) as a res­ult, but also receive your money.


+49 751 8880–28

Part­ner, lawyer

Ten­ancy and res­id­en­tial prop­erty law
Traffic law
Insur­ance law

+49 751 8880–30

Part­ner, lawyer

Labour law
Com­mer­cial and com­pany law