The rap­id increase in Inter­net com­merce has heightened the import­ance of copy­right law for private indi­vidu­als. We offer you advice on the tra­di­tion­al areas of copy­right law, such as film, music and publishing.

Our core advis­ory ser­vice lies in the area of law against unfair com­pet­i­tion (Ger­man UWG). Numer­ous con­sumers have already made the “acquaint­ance” of the UWG under the key word “warn­ing”.

We not only point out the leg­al options you have to pro­tect your­self against unjus­ti­fied warn­ings, but also explain to you when you can per­son­ally enforce an injunction.

We rep­res­ent you espe­cially in the enforce­ment and defence of injunc­tions and claims for inform­a­tion and dam­ages, both judi­cially and extrajudicially.


+49 751 8880–71

Part­ner, lawyer

Con­struc­tion and archi­tec­tur­al law
Admin­is­trat­ive law