The focus of our activ­it­ies lies in civil traffic law, traffic offences law and crim­in­al law. We solve all prob­lems for you in con­nec­tion to:

  • the pro­cessing of dam­ages to your motor vehicle includ­ing asser­tions and claims for repair, loss of use, depre­ci­ation of value, etc.
  • the hand­ling of per­son­al injur­ies, includ­ing claims for com­pens­a­tion, loss of earn­ing, main­ten­ance, etc.

We under­take all cor­res­pond­ence with the insurers on your behalf and rep­res­ent you before the courts. We also offer in-depth advice to people with per­man­ent acci­dent-related damage.

Fur­ther key ser­vices in traffics and acci­dent law

  • Speed­ing
  • Driv­ing under the influ­ence of alcohol
  • Driv­ing bans
  • Dis­qual­i­fic­a­tion from driving/revoking of driver’s licenses
  • Medical–psychological assess­ment (MPU in Ger­man, also referred to as the “idi­ot test”)


+49 751 8880–28

Part­ner, lawyer

Ten­ancy and res­id­en­tial prop­erty law
Traffic law
Insur­ance law

+49 751 8880–31

Part­ner, Lawyer

Inher­it­ance law