The activ­ity of a broker is focused on bring­ing about the con­clu­sion of a con­tract between two oth­er people as an inter­me­di­ary, whereby only suc­cess­ful broker­age activ­ity trig­gers remu­ner­a­tion claims. Dif­fer­ent kinds of broker­age activ­ity exist, for example hous­ing broker­age, prop­erty broker­age, loan broker­age, employ­ment broker­age and the like.

Leg­al reg­u­la­tions dif­fer­en­ti­ate between two kinds of broker, namely the so-called refer­ral broker and the inter­me­di­ary broker.

We offer you advice as a broker or cus­tom­er of a broker on all issues con­cern­ing the draft­ing and con­clu­sion of a broker­age con­tract. Along­side intens­ive coun­selling and extraju­di­cial nego­ti­ation, we of course also handle law­suits for you.

Our key ser­vices in broker­age law

  • Con­tent-related design of broker­age con­tracts (exclus­ive com­mis­sion, qual­i­fied exclus­ive commission)
  • Effect­ive­ness of indi­vidu­al con­trac­tu­al clauses
  • Con­clu­sion of the contract
  • Incur­ring of the commission
  • For­feit­ure of the commission
  • Reser­va­tion agreements


+49 751 8880–28

Part­ner, lawyer

Ten­ancy and res­id­en­tial prop­erty law
Traffic law
Insur­ance law

+49 751 8880–71

formerly worked in

Bank­ing and cap­it­al mar­ket law
Con­struc­tion and archi­tec­tur­al law
Admin­is­trat­ive law