A car­tel is an arrange­ment or con­cer­ted prac­tice between busi­nesses with the goal or the effect of restrict­ing, dis­tort­ing or pre­vent­ing com­pet­i­tion. A func­tion­ing eco­nomy is depend­ent on the guar­an­tee of free com­pet­i­tion and the pre­ven­tion of abuse of mar­ket power.

Our core advis­ory ser­vices in anti­trust law

  • Legit­im­acy of select­ive dis­tri­bu­tion systems
  • Exist­ence of an oblig­a­tion to enter into a con­tract under the so-called essen­tial facil­it­ies doctrine


+49 751 8880–71

Part­ner, lawyer

Con­struc­tion and archi­tec­tur­al law
Admin­is­trat­ive law

+49 751 8880–71

formerly worked in

Bank­ing and cap­it­al mar­ket law
Con­struc­tion and archi­tec­tur­al law
Admin­is­trat­ive law